Everything DiSC Sales Profile-English


Communicate better with your customers. Understand how to match your style to theirs.

Uses: Sales, customer service, professional development, career development

By helping people discover their unique strengths and limitations, Everything DiSC Sales can convince even experienced salespeople that they can become more effective at their jobs.

Profile is for one person.
For each profile ordered, you will receive an email with the Access Code. Anyone taking the assessment will need to set up an account.
Note: If you’re forwarding Access Codes to others and want to see their reports, ask respondents to send their reports to you.



Features of Everything DiSC Sales Profile-:

    • Stand-alone profile for ANYONE aspiring to or in a sales position.
    • Participants learn how to read the styles of their customers. The result is salespeople who adapt their styles to connect better—and close more sales.
    • The language of the narrative is sales-specific, personalized, and easily understood without the intervention of an assessment professional.
    • Takes 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. Assessment results are available upon completion.
    • Access to learn more about your style, compare your style to customers, and create customer interaction maps via MyEverythingDiSC.com

See for yourself – Sales Profile

Everything DiSC Sales Profile sample

What you’ll see

The profile report is broken into three sections. The first is Understand Your DiSC® Sales Style, providing insights into your salesperson’s own priorities. Self-knowledge is the first step to building better relationships. Equally important is understanding your partner(s) in a transaction or negotiation. The second part of the profile is to Recognize and Understand Customer Buying Styles. Good communication is about give and take. So the final section is about how to Adapt Your Sales Style to Your Customer’s Buying Style. It’s not about changing who you are when you’re selling, but about meeting the often unspoken needs of your customer.

What you might miss

This tool uses computerized adaptive testing to improve its results and reliability. This responsive testing technique means greater accuracy and an even more personalized profile.

“We have been using the DiSC Sales Profile assessment with large groups of participants since 2017. The assessment and subsequent detailed report that each individual receives have both been consistently rated highly by our participants. The Sales Profile report is extremely accurate, very insightful, and has been of value for participants in a wide variety of employment positions, sales and otherwise.”

— Marnie Scheinberg
senior account executive

No certified training consultants are needed. However, many consultants and coaches find DiSC a powerful addition to their training offerings. The Everything DiSC Sales Facilitation Kit gives you everything you need to facilitate a training session.

For the facilitator

Additional reports available for purchase

Use EPIC to administer Everything DiSC Sales
The EPIC Administrator Account allows you greater control over how and when profiles are presented.

Free Customer Interaction Maps and Comparison Reports – (For ourEPIC Account Clients only)

Use the comparison reports for a greater understanding of how two individuals can better work together. This is a powerful tool to use with managers and their direct reports, for individuals in conflict, work partnerships, or new hires. The Customer Interaction Maps will help in preparation for sales calls or meetings.