Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile-English


The Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Learning Experience Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders combines the best of 360-degree feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC®, plus three strategies to put into action immediately.

It uses clear visuals and a conversational narrative style to interpret and explain the data, making the report easy to understand and use.

Whether an emerging high-potential or an experienced executive, participants incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan that is both productive and satisfying, ultimately elevating leadership effectiveness.




Leaders take a two-part, self-rating online assessment that combines the Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders and Leadership Behaviors assessments to measure their general behavioral style and traits and their leadership preferences and tendencies.

Raters are given a two-part, research-validated, online assessment that combines. The Leadership Behaviors assessment (also taken by the leader).

After all, with an additional Leadership Request survey. That asks raters to identify which leadership practices. They would like to see the leader engage in more frequently. Leaders can have an unlimited number or raters.

Want to be an amazing leader? The Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile can help! This special report gives you feedback from your team and shows you:

DiSC 363 for Leaders:

  • Your leadership style (and how it affects others)
  • Your strengths as a leader
  • Areas where you can improve
  • Tips on how to be an even better leader

Why is this important?

  • Great leaders make a huge difference for their teams!
  • This tool helps you understand yourself and become the best leader you can be.

Let me know if you want to make this even simpler, or target a specific type of leader (new managers, senior executives, etc.)!